A little problem

It’s time to announce - over the next few days/week you’ll notice a shift from me from using my old pseudonym cbx33, to my new one Cobey Rokes. It was a very hard thing to do, and I agonised over it a lot. cbx33 has been with me for a very long time, but the truth was it was not memorable, nor did it stand out.

Most of my friends had to ask me for links to my pages, songs etc, and visually it was just too short and got lost. Not that Joshua doesn’t deserve attention for his amazing work on that track! See the examples below.

Lost Name 1 Lost Name 2

I even had someone tell me they had searched for one of my tweets, but couldn’t remember what my handle was.

No Name

To this end, I have moved from cbx33 to Cobey Rokes.

Why Cobey Rokes?

Cobey Rokes was actually a pseudonym that I used when I was in my old band Nokatomi Bleach over 20 years ago. Back then I was a kid who had very little self confidence as can be seen by this credit I wrote on our first album. I felt it high time to teach this kid that he can most certainly play, and it turned into a coming of age.

No Name

Originally I did want to use my real name, and this pseudonym is not a way for me to hide. The truth is, there is already almost every permutation of my real name out there as an artist on Spotify and the like. I really wanted to ensure that I had something unique. Cobey Rokes IS unique. So this is the start of a new journey for me. It will be a little while before all the links are updated and working etc, but expect to see more changes from me in the coming weeks and months.

Goodbye cbx33, Hello Cobey Rokes
